Feeling Stuck? Get a Passport!6 min read

In 1987 I learned of a clock. Now, this clock isn’t any old 2-story, stone tower, clock. This clock is a moving piece of epic-ness. This clock is so incredible that the Medieval king who commissioned it had the artist blinded so he would never be able to build another like it.

To this day you can find tourists from all over the world holding their cameras ready every hour-on-the-hour, as they enjoy the fascinating mechanical performance of the Prague Astronomical Clock. “For 600-years this treasure of the city has had a procession of Apostles, moving statues and a visualization of time like no other in the world.” And, guess what? After 30-years of dreaming, I get to visit this gorgeous clock in a few weeks time. It is a dream-come-true for me. How did I start this journey? What was the first thing I did over 32 years ago? I got a passport. That’s right. I’ve had a passport my entire adult life dreaming of international travel. A passport is a ticket to manifesting my dreams.

So, let’s talk for a moment about your dreams. Are you having the experiences you wish to have in this life? Are you able to go to the places and be with the people you wish to be with? What are the moments you wish to participate in?

When I tell people about my life and the experiences I’ve had, some respond with support, others with envy and still others with excuses why they can’t live their own personal dreams. Well, I have a few questions for you. Are you going to be a person who lives fully? Who makes the time to live to their full potential? Or are you going to live your life full of excuses for not being you?

It starts by understanding what holds us back. So let’s break down the primary excuses we use for not moving forward with our dreams, and then dissolve those excuses so you can create an action plan for your life.

Here are the Big Three. These are the excuses most often used to keep people from living fully; “I don’t have the time,” “I don’t have the money,” “I don’t have the support.”

  1. I don’t have the time: this is where I could list off hard-luck-story after hard-luck-story telling you how folks who have it worse off than you made the time to change. That’s not the point of this article. This article is meant to show you where you do have time to change your life if you give yourself a chance to think. Take 30 minutes and devote it to thinking yourself outside of your normal thought patterns and entertain yourself with this singular idea. I have time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. You need to sleep, you need to eat, you need to keep your job, you need to spend time with your family, but what are the things that you are doing that are not beneficial to you? Maybe you are doing them out of habit without a benefit to you? This is where you examine your personal use of time. If you feel burned out, if you are overwhelmed with the number of things you need to do and you’re stressed to breaking, then this is the perfect time to think more and do less. How? Force yourself to take 30 minutes a week and 10 minutes a day (set a timer for yourself if that helps calm you down) to just think. This is a luxury that few of us take. Examine your use of time. Are you really spending it well? If not, change. No excuses. Your health, your family, your friends, your life deserves the best you can be. You’re not your best “you” being stressed, exhausted, ill or depressed. Make the time to think, then make necessary changes to your decisions and, lastly, act.
  2. I don’t have the money: As any business owner will tell you this is the number one complaint they receive whenever trying to sell their particular product or service. People say this comment to you so frequently, you soon learn to tune it out as you do background noise at a restaurant. Money is an excuse. If you really want something, if you truly think it can help you achieve better health, happiness or life, you’ll find a way to make it happen. You’ll be open to all kinds of different options as you pursue what you think will bring you more joy, peace or love.I got so fed up with people telling me they didn’t have money that I wrote a book, Money…It’s Not Just for Rich People!, and then built a free online course describing a step-by-step process on how to achieve their dreams, financially, by changing personal views on money. If you think you don’t have enough money, please take my free online course, 10 Steps to Abundance, to see how you go about changing your financial situation. That way you can achieve what you need for a peaceful, happy life.
  3. I don’t have support: Many times I’ve had to make changes in my life that other people didn’t agree with. I made these choices for my health, my children or my personal joy. I have had to break away from conventional thought and tradition in order to bring about the changes I needed to stay alive, to be with my children and to live in harmony with the life I knew I needed to create for myself.Often, the support is there, but until you take that first step away from the conventional, away from what is known to you, you cannot meet the support group that is ALWAYS there to help you with your changes. The decision has to be made FIRST. Then as you make your first, few tentative steps to enact the changes you require, the support shows up from places totally unexpected. This has happened to me in more ways then I can count.

Take a few moments right now (5 minutes will do) and think.

Think about what you love about your life. Think about what you would like more of in your life and then think about what dreams you’ve had.

Today is the day to start living your dreams.

If you’ve always wanted to travel to Paris, guess what? The first thing you need to do is get a Passport. Don’t wait any longer to manifest your dreams, start that journey today and initiate a plan to take the little steps each week that move you toward your dream of seeing that 600-year-old clock in the Czech Republic with a 32-year-old passport (renewed 3 times) and a friend taking your photo next to it. This world has so much to offer you. Take the time to live in it as fully as you possibly can.


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