Kristen Judd & Janine Bolon

The Commuter Program

Cash, Cars & College

6 Modules of Material

2 “live” Q&A ZOOM sessions hosted by Janine per month 

25 years experience
441 people helped since January 2020


money book - personal growth

Now it is YOUR turn! 
Get started on navigating your financial journey today. 

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The 60/40 System: Money with Heart

Module 1: Thrive! Don’t just Survive

There is no point to increasing money flowing to you if you don’t have a plan on how you are going to spend it. That’s right! Paying off your debt is only one small aspect to spending your money. There is a lot more to your life that needs attention and is fun! This module will tap into what makes life fun for you and how to take the money that comes to you and focus it on financial stability and a happy lifestyle.

You will discover:

  • What you need to know BEFORE more money comes into your life– you can focus your resources on achieving the life of joy you deserve
  • The 5 Laws of Wealth Accumulation – the money cycles in operation allowing you to target your maximum saving and minimal spending goals.
  • Create achievable financial targets – goals that you will hit every time

You will receive:

  • Online Strength Quiz: discover where your emotional barriers to wealth reside so those limits can be dissolved
  • Power Tool: Course Outcomes Planning Tool (the questions needed to focus your finances AND provide clarity on your goals-love that!)

Module 2: Implementing the 60/40 Principle - Drop Debt while Banking Bucks

Control! Control over your finances! This has been lacking before. With minimal effort, you’ll see your savings account grow and your debt decrease.

You will discover:

  • The Flow of Money – how to work with it so that in 15 min a day you’ll manage your cash with peace of mind.
  • The Intimate Relationship between debt and savings – learn the trick that few practice to drop your debt while stashing money in retirement funds.
  • Create Financial Traction – using the simple 60/40 System you’ll be creating an estate of value and spending money on your dreams.

You will receive:

  • The Money Flow Map: discover the movement of money and how not to block it with impulsive decisions
  • Power Tool: Division of Money Worksheet. This handy device keeps you financially on track and reminded daily of how to divide your money so that it flows where you want it to flow! Now that’s Control!

Module 3: Living on My Income

You know how to spend money. Now let’s learn how to spend money well. There are places you need to spend money that are closer to your power base. What is your power base? Your passion for living! We want you to thrive on your income not just Survive!

This module takes you from living-paycheck-to-paycheck and sets you firmly on your life adventure through daily choices that are in-line with your exciting purpose.

You will discover:

  • The Budget Buster – the one simple habit that makes middle-class millionaires without the deprivation mindset of a budget
  • Emotional Land Mines – make those emotional blockades work for you rather than against you. They have power. Transmute it for your benefit.
  • Ditching Debt – by using the 60/40 System you’ll be releasing the weight of debt so you are financially free to travel the life you deserve.

You will receive:

  • The Impulse Buying Guide: Ask these questions before you buy anything and you’ll drop your expenses significantly. This is a life changer!
  • Power Tool: The Cost Cutter Template. Creation of this one plan will transform your mindset so you create the financial well-being you crave.

Module 4: Making Money Work for Me

You work hard for the money. (Thank you, Donna Summer!) Don’t you want it to do it’s share of work, too? This module shows you the eighth wonder of the world according Albert Einstein. Knowing the power of compound interest moves you from paying it to earning it!

You will discover:

  • Pay Yourself Twice – you pay down your debt quicker.
  • Compound Interest – Can you count to ten? Then you can handle this math.
  • Savings Priorities – how to organize your savings for future and current expenses of college, parental care, medical bills, etc. without getting dizzy.

You will receive:

  • Calculating Compound Interest: Easy Math for a Powerful wealth builder

Power Tool: The Rule of 72 worksheet. The easy way to do the math.

Module 5: Philanthropy

Give it away! Say what? But I worked hard for my money. Why should I just give it away? Well, actually you don’t. You give it away after doing a bit of research. Learn how to give money away with style! Your style! This way the money goes to people that you want to help.

You will discover:

  • How to Navigate the Seas of Charities – so that your money goes exactly where you intend it.
  • Joyful Purpose in Community Support– the support that you need to keep motivated on your long term goals.
  • Ninja Stealth Giving– donating to others without revealing yourself. The excitement of anonymous giving and the adventure of seeing dreams come true for others through your donations.

You will receive:

  • The Top 5 Charity Navigational Tools: Picking a Charity has never been easier.
  • Power Tool: The Charity Interview Template. How to ask questions that tell you more then any financial report can.

Module 6: Tools of the Trade: Behaviors that Bring Results to You FAST!

Sharpen your wealth accumulation behaviors to a razor’s fine edge so you can move toward your goals faster. Here you get to see the many different ways you can design your financial path and then step out onto that walkway with confidence.

Your personally customized plan will be built from your own work that you have built over the past month.

You will discover:

  • Do the Math! – saving money at each store by using your phone!
  • The Grocery Store Game– create and personalize your very own Price Book and save 15% on your food bill in the first 30 days of use.
  • Gorilla Shopping– The 25 different ways you can save money at any store.

You will receive:

  • The Quick Start 10 Check List: Keep your momentum going after the class with this handy checklist that will help you stay focused and on your financial targets.

Power Tool: The Grocery Store Game Price Book Template. The printable worksheet that becomes your “memory” for the lowest prices ever!

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Janine Bolon Author of 8 books and 25 years of financial coaching experience 

Can guide you to live debt-free.

This online course involves 6 modules based on Janine’s Best selling Books

“Money…It’s Not Just for Rich People!”


“Ditching Debt”

You will also receive 2 – “live” ZOOM sessions a month with Janine hosting a Q&A forum with other students of Financial Freedom. 

All questions are answered with recordings available for later viewing.



You can unsubscribe at any time, Janine makes it super easy.