Reading Recommendations - Financial Books

Ditching Debt

Ditching Debt while Banking Bucks

Financial Peace

Dealing with Emotions & Money

Overcoming Underearning

Prince Charming isn’t Coming

Secrets of Six Figure Woman

Financial Stability

Money…It’s Not Just for Rich People!

The Automatic Millionaire

Start Late Finish Rich

The Millionaire Next Door

Saving Money

The Tightwad Gazette

Your Money or Your Life

Clutter’s Last Stand

How to Live without a Salary

The Grocery Store Game (short course)

This is the place where your questions are answered. 

As a Financial First-Responder, Author of 10 books, course creator and international speaker, I get a lot of questions about my content, classes and systems. 

In an effort to lend you support, accountability and continued inspiration I’ve created these online “office hours” much like what I used to hold as a Professor when I was teaching Math & Science.

I highly recommend this easy opt-in program of for $37/month you get to participate in twice-a-month Q&A on ZOOM.

All sessions are recorded for viewing later. Roughly 85% of the participants email me questions and listen to the recordings after the “live” events.