Juan Vides is the Founder of Winning On Wednesday; a virtual business networking group that meets via ZOOM every Wednesday at 11 a.m. EST. The goal of WOW is to build meaningful professional relationships to help your business grow and potentially expand your network.
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Show Notes
Janine sits down with Juan Vides and offers valuable insights for aspiring authors, emphasizing the potential benefits of writing a book, AI assistance in book outlining, and effective marketing strategies through various channels. Listen as they discuss:
✔️ The importance of writing and publishing a book as a marketing tool that establishes authority.
✔️ Why collaborative writing is a key to success.
✔️ Why you need to have a clear topic.
✔️ How to start the promotion process early by collecting emails and promoting during podcast appearances.
✔️ The importance of marketing and making money through various methods beyond just book sales.
✔️ The affordability of collaborating on a book.
✔️ The value of multimedia elements.
✔️ The importance of a website for book promotion.
Listen to the podcast as Janine encourages aspiring authors to stop delaying and share their messages with the world!