Janine’s book is featured on a popular blog owned by Robyn Saves: A Dime Saved.
Robyn is a millennial mom on a tight budget! She has her MBA and has been studying Personal Finance for as long as she can remember.
Robyn was inspired to start her blog after she was in a period of extended unemployment. The experience really changed the way she viewed her relationship with money and the importance of accessible personal finance education.
Learn more about Robyn at her website: A Dime Saved
Show Notes
Cash, Cars, and College: A Young Person’s Guide to Money by Janine Bolon
Money! Always need it, never have it, right? So, are your finally tired of begging loans from the First Local Bank of Mom or Dad? It’s time to grow up with a new financial plan that is all your own. One that will help you manage your money better, today and tomorrow and get you started toward true financial freedom. This book gives you that plan. This book will show you a step-by-step system for moving money into your life and spending and keeping it to your best advantage.